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Median of Single Family Homes in the Us From 1990

Beneath, I provide and graphhistorical monthly median single-family habitation values in the Us. Significantly, this data isnon-seasonally adjusted and based onsales of existing homes.

The data includes home prices fromJan 1953 until now. Find my historical home cost series using nominal prices and one adjusted for inflation. The tool automatically checks for information updates weekly, simply due to report release cadence information lags behind past a few months.

The greyness confined in the nautical chart show recessions.

United States Median Home Toll History

Expand this block to see the historical median price of single family homes in the United states of america.

Median Domicile Price in the Us by Month
Month of Observation Median Home Price (NSA) Inflation Adjusted Price
1953-01-01 $eighteen,080.26 $189,504.23
1953-02-01 $18,080.26 $190,219.35
1953-03-01 $18,080.26 $189,504.23
1953-04-01 $18,122.25 $189,944.34
1953-05-01 $18,143.25 $189,452.22
1953-06-01 $eighteen,143.25 $188,745.31
1953-07-01 $eighteen,185.25 $189,182.24
1953-08-01 $18,206.25 $188,696.61
1953-09-01 $18,227.25 $188,914.27
1953-x-01 $eighteen,227.25 $188,214.58
1953-11-01 $eighteen,206.25 $188,696.61
1953-12-01 $eighteen,206.25 $188,696.61
1954-01-01 $18,206.25 $188,696.61
1954-02-01 $18,227.25 $188,914.27
1954-03-01 $eighteen,227.25 $188,914.27
1954-04-01 $18,206.25 $189,400.71
1954-05-01 $eighteen,206.25 $188,696.61
1954-06-01 $xviii,227.25 $188,914.27
1954-07-01 $18,290.25 $189,567.22
1954-08-01 $xviii,332.24 $190,002.42
1954-09-01 $18,374.24 $191,148.32
1954-ten-01 $18,353.24 $190,929.85
1954-11-01 $18,353.24 $190,929.85
1954-12-01 $18,374.24 $191,864.23
1955-01-01 $18,395.24 $192,083.51
1955-02-01 $xviii,332.24 $191,425.66
1955-03-01 $18,290.25 $190,987.twenty
1955-04-01 $18,185.25 $189,890.79
1955-05-01 $18,185.25 $189,890.79
1955-06-01 $18,269.25 $190,767.92
1955-07-01 $eighteen,332.24 $190,711.39
1955-08-01 $18,437.24 $191,803.71
1955-09-01 $18,479.24 $191,525.99
1955-10-01 $18,458.24 $191,308.34
1955-11-01 $18,416.24 $190,873.03
1955-12-01 $18,374.24 $191,148.32
1956-01-01 $18,332.24 $190,711.39
1956-02-01 $18,269.25 $190,056.10
1956-03-01 $18,206.25 $189,400.71
1956-04-01 $xviii,122.25 $187,826.01
1956-05-01 $18,143.25 $187,347.twenty
1956-06-01 $eighteen,332.24 $187,906.81
1956-07-01 $18,479.24 $188,030.99
1956-08-01 $18,605.23 $190,006.42
1956-09-01 $18,584.23 $189,099.29
1956-x-01 $xviii,563.24 $188,198.85
1956-xi-01 $18,521.24 $187,773.05
1956-12-01 $18,542.24 $187,304.84
1957-01-01 $18,605.23 $187,941.xiv
1957-02-01 $eighteen,773.23 $188,953.58
1957-03-01 $eighteen,773.23 $188,273.89
1957-04-01 $eighteen,899.22 $188,858.08
1957-05-01 $18,962.22 $188,810.89
1957-06-01 $18,899.22 $187,513.89
1957-07-01 $18,899.22 $186,188.70
1957-08-01 $18,899.22 $186,188.70
1957-09-01 $xviii,962.22 $186,809.36
1957-10-01 $19,067.21 $187,843.68
1957-11-01 $19,067.21 $187,182.26
1957-12-01 $19,046.22 $186,976.21
1958-01-01 $19,067.21 $185,873.30
1958-02-01 $xix,067.21 $185,873.thirty
1958-03-01 $xix,235.21 $186,208.85
1958-04-01 $nineteen,277.21 $185,969.71
1958-05-01 $nineteen,319.twenty $186,374.80
1958-06-01 $nineteen,214.21 $185,361.94
1958-07-01 $xix,214.21 $184,722.76
1958-08-01 $19,193.21 $185,159.35
1958-09-01 $19,130.21 $184,551.59
1958-x-01 $19,109.21 $184,349.00
1958-11-01 $19,151.21 $184,117.09
1958-12-01 $19,172.21 $184,956.76
1959-01-01 $xix,130.21 $183,915.twenty
1959-02-01 $19,109.21 $184,349.00
1959-03-01 $19,109.21 $184,349.00
1959-04-01 $xix,109.21 $183,713.31
1959-05-01 $nineteen,193.21 $184,520.87
1959-06-01 $19,193.21 $183,886.78
1959-07-01 $19,130.21 $182,655.51
1959-08-01 $19,109.21 $182,455.00
1959-09-01 $nineteen,151.21 $182,231.93
1959-10-01 $19,256.21 $182,607.82
1959-11-01 $19,277.21 $182,806.96
1959-12-01 $19,193.21 $182,010.39
1960-01-01 $xix,256.21 $183,231.05
1960-02-01 $19,256.21 $182,607.82
1960-03-01 $nineteen,256.21 $182,607.82
1960-04-01 $19,256.21 $181,988.81
1960-05-01 $nineteen,214.21 $181,591.87
1960-06-01 $nineteen,172.21 $180,582.79
1960-07-01 $19,172.21 $180,582.79
1960-08-01 $19,256.21 $181,373.98
1960-09-01 $nineteen,340.20 $182,165.08
1960-10-01 $19,403.20 $181,531.91
1960-11-01 $xix,340.twenty $180,942.fifty
1960-12-01 $19,340.twenty $180,942.fifty
1961-01-01 $19,340.twenty $180,942.50
1961-02-01 $19,298.20 $180,549.56
1961-03-01 $nineteen,340.20 $180,942.50
1961-04-01 $19,256.21 $180,156.71
1961-05-01 $xix,319.twenty $180,746.03
1961-06-01 $19,298.20 $180,549.56
1961-07-01 $19,361.20 $179,931.38
1961-08-01 $nineteen,382.20 $180,728.97
1961-09-01 $xix,382.20 $180,126.54
1961-10-01 $19,382.xx $180,126.54
1961-eleven-01 $19,487.xx $181,102.34
1961-12-01 $xix,529.20 $181,492.67
1962-01-01 $19,550.xix $181,687.74
1962-02-01 $19,508.20 $180,695.19
1962-03-01 $19,508.twenty $180,695.xix
1962-04-01 $19,508.xx $180,096.86
1962-05-01 $19,613.19 $181,066.xi
1962-06-01 $xix,634.nineteen $181,259.98
1962-07-01 $19,634.nineteen $180,661.76
1962-08-01 $19,634.19 $180,661.76
1962-09-01 $19,613.19 $179,874.89
1962-ten-01 $nineteen,571.nineteen $179,489.70
1962-eleven-01 $nineteen,592.nineteen $179,682.29
1962-12-01 $19,592.xix $179,682.29
1963-01-01 $19,613.19 $179,874.89
1963-02-01 $19,613.nineteen $179,874.89
1963-03-01 $19,718.19 $180,244.94
1963-04-01 $nineteen,802.18 $181,012.70
1963-05-01 $19,760.19 $180,628.87
1963-06-01 $xix,760.nineteen $180,038.58
1963-07-01 $19,802.18 $179,833.47
1963-08-01 $xix,802.18 $179,833.47
1963-09-01 $19,802.xviii $179,833.47
1963-10-01 $19,802.18 $179,249.59
1963-eleven-01 $19,928.xviii $180,390.14
1963-12-01 $20,012.xviii $180,564.27
1964-01-01 $20,012.18 $180,564.27
1964-02-01 $20,075.17 $181,132.61
1964-03-01 $twenty,075.17 $181,132.61
1964-04-01 $20,012.18 $180,564.27
1964-05-01 $19,928.18 $179,806.36
1964-06-01 $19,991.18 $179,792.93
1964-07-01 $xx,033.17 $179,591.25
1964-08-01 $20,096.17 $180,737.17
1964-09-01 $20,159.17 $180,720.80
1964-x-01 $20,201.17 $181,097.32
1964-11-01 $20,264.17 $181,079.84
1964-12-01 $twenty,264.17 $181,079.84
1965-01-01 $20,390.sixteen $182,205.69
1965-02-01 $xx,390.sixteen $182,205.69
1965-03-01 $20,327.16 $181,062.39
1965-04-01 $twenty,285.sixteen $180,112.84
1965-05-01 $xx,264.17 $179,926.47
1965-06-01 $20,264.17 $178,787.69
1965-07-01 $20,306.16 $179,158.17
1965-08-01 $twenty,306.16 $179,158.17
1965-09-01 $20,306.16 $179,158.17
1965-ten-01 $20,432.16 $179,701.17
1965-11-01 $20,537.xv $180,624.56
1965-12-01 $twenty,600.15 $180,608.ninety
1966-01-01 $twenty,663.xv $181,161.24
1966-02-01 $20,621.15 $179,663.06
1966-03-01 $20,621.15 $179,103.36
1966-04-01 $20,642.15 $178,175.63
1966-05-01 $20,684.15 $178,538.xv
1966-06-01 $xx,726.15 $178,348.52
1966-07-01 $20,747.fifteen $177,979.91
1966-08-01 $twenty,684.15 $176,354.20
1966-09-01 $20,684.xv $176,354.twenty
1966-ten-01 $20,768.14 $175,993.89
1966-11-01 $twenty,768.xiv $175,993.89
1966-12-01 $xx,852.14 $176,705.72
1967-01-01 $20,852.14 $176,705.72
1967-02-01 $xx,852.fourteen $176,705.72
1967-03-01 $20,705.xv $174,928.40
1967-04-01 $20,789.14 $175,107.37
1967-05-01 $twenty,915.14 $175,638.04
1967-06-01 $20,957.14 $175,462.24
1967-07-01 $20,957.14 $174,936.xc
1967-08-01 $21,083.13 $175,463.25
1967-09-01 $21,083.thirteen $174,941.04
1967-10-01 $21,167.thirteen $175,116.86
1967-11-01 $21,230.13 $175,118.42
1967-12-01 $21,335.12 $175,465.31
1968-01-01 $21,314.12 $174,264.50
1968-02-01 $21,419.12 $174,610.92
1968-03-01 $21,377.12 $173,760.46
1968-04-01 $21,377.12 $173,255.34
1968-05-01 $21,314.12 $172,244.04
1968-06-01 $21,482.11 $172,601.02
1968-07-01 $21,566.11 $172,282.94
1968-08-01 $21,629.eleven $172,292.55
1968-09-01 $21,629.eleven $171,801.68
1968-10-01 $21,776.x $171,989.24
1968-11-01 $22,028.09 $173,488.01
1968-12-01 $22,217.08 $174,483.56
1969-01-01 $22,322.08 $174,815.75
1969-02-01 $22,427.08 $174,656.84
1969-03-01 $22,616.07 $174,664.97
1969-04-01 $22,637.07 $173,863.92
1969-05-01 $22,742.06 $174,190.43
1969-06-01 $22,805.06 $173,718.48
1969-07-01 $23,015.05 $174,365.27
1969-08-01 $23,162.05 $174,530.43
1969-09-01 $23,330.04 $175,322.42
1969-10-01 $23,519.03 $175,794.98
1969-11-01 $23,624.03 $175,638.05
1969-12-01 $23,771.02 $175,793.31
1970-01-01 $24,002.01 $177,031.97
1970-02-01 $24,170.00 $177,332.75
1970-03-01 $24,296.00 $177,323.91
1970-04-01 $24,400.99 $176,702.46
1970-05-01 $24,589.99 $177,609.80
1970-06-01 $24,757.98 $177,901.twoscore
1970-07-01 $24,820.98 $177,439.46
1970-08-01 $25,051.97 $179,090.75
1970-09-01 $25,303.96 $179,969.25
1970-10-01 $25,429.95 $179,947.23
1970-11-01 $25,576.95 $180,073.35
1970-12-01 $25,723.94 $180,198.14
1971-01-01 $25,786.94 $180,639.46
1971-02-01 $25,723.94 $179,746.51
1971-03-01 $25,723.94 $179,297.fifteen
1971-04-01 $25,807.94 $179,434.05
1971-05-01 $25,996.93 $179,851.02
1971-06-01 $26,269.92 $180,396.71
1971-07-01 $26,311.92 $180,241.18
1971-08-01 $26,395.91 $180,373.35
1971-09-01 $26,458.91 $180,803.85
1971-10-01 $26,542.91 $180,934.39
1971-11-01 $26,752.90 $182,365.82
1971-12-01 $26,815.90 $181,905.76
1972-01-01 $26,899.89 $182,475.50
1972-02-01 $26,962.89 $182,017.xiii
1972-03-01 $26,941.89 $181,436.06
1972-04-01 $26,983.89 $181,281.02
1972-05-01 $27,067.88 $181,408.fifteen
1972-06-01 $27,235.88 $182,096.35
1972-07-01 $27,508.87 $183,043.63
1972-08-01 $27,613.86 $183,304.75
1972-09-01 $27,592.86 $182,730.27
1972-10-01 $27,571.86 $181,727.89
1972-11-01 $27,592.86 $181,437.37
1972-12-01 $27,613.86 $181,148.22
1973-01-01 $27,550.86 $180,310.68
1973-02-01 $27,550.86 $179,049.76
1973-03-01 $27,571.86 $177,530.94
1973-04-01 $27,571.86 $176,309.40
1973-05-01 $27,634.86 $175,504.65
1973-06-01 $27,697.86 $174,710.83
1973-07-01 $27,676.86 $174,184.29
1973-08-01 $27,928.85 $172,652.31
1973-09-01 $28,033.84 $172,917.93
1973-x-01 $28,243.84 $172,685.07
1973-11-01 $28,369.83 $172,321.69
1973-12-01 $28,558.82 $172,343.21
1974-01-01 $28,789.81 $172,245.85
1974-02-01 $29,020.80 $171,420.70
1974-03-01 $29,335.79 $171,106.21
1974-04-01 $29,440.79 $171,003.15
1974-05-01 $29,587.78 $169,735.23
1974-06-01 $29,755.77 $169,305.47
1974-07-01 $29,902.77 $168,764.21
1974-08-01 $30,175.76 $168,261.24
1974-09-01 $30,469.74 $167,885.86
1974-ten-01 $30,721.73 $167,618.00
1974-11-01 $30,952.72 $167,566.61
1974-12-01 $31,435.70 $168,869.67
1975-01-01 $32,033.50 $171,420.42
1975-02-01 $32,086.75 $170,397.14
1975-03-01 $32,169.16 $170,186.45
1975-04-01 $32,222.41 $169,823.67
1975-05-01 $32,318.77 $169,371.01
1975-06-01 $32,298.49 $168,001.56
1975-07-01 $32,472.18 $167,035.22
1975-08-01 $32,664.89 $167,717.07
1975-09-01 $32,994.54 $168,478.82
1975-10-01 $33,239.23 $168,800.80
1975-xi-01 $33,475.05 $168,768.73
1975-12-01 $33,570.fourteen $168,638.24
1976-01-01 $33,693.12 $168,951.61
1976-02-01 $33,757.78 $168,669.xi
1976-03-01 $34,054.46 $169,847.08
1976-04-01 $34,395.51 $170,936.49
1976-05-01 $34,801.22 $171,728.31
1976-06-01 $34,908.99 $171,350.29
1976-07-01 $35,196.79 $171,855.26
1976-08-01 $35,426.27 $172,071.69
1976-09-01 $35,681.eleven $172,707.72
1976-10-01 $35,797.75 $172,374.51
1976-xi-01 $36,005.68 $173,076.82
1976-12-01 $36,304.89 $173,915.39
1977-01-01 $36,606.64 $174,461.61
1977-02-01 $37,036.44 $174,718.00
1977-03-01 $37,566.twoscore $176,026.68
1977-04-01 $38,234.56 $177,664.53
1977-05-01 $38,707.47 $178,967.17
1977-06-01 $39,000.34 $179,132.99
1977-07-01 $39,402.25 $180,088.95
1977-08-01 $39,801.62 $181,319.79
1977-09-01 $40,322.71 $183,095.31
1977-x-01 $40,829.85 $184,796.17
1977-11-01 $41,252.04 $185,802.12
1977-12-01 $41,624.79 $186,877.21
1978-01-01 $42,044.45 $187,553.23
1978-02-01 $42,516.09 $188,451.05
1978-03-01 $43,108.18 $189,568.56
1978-04-01 $43,673.64 $190,552.twoscore
1978-05-01 $44,273.33 $191,371.98
1978-06-01 $44,940.22 $192,169.07
1978-07-01 $45,572.88 $193,391.33
1978-08-01 $46,173.84 $195,050.89
1978-09-01 $46,658.16 $195,614.86
1978-ten-01 $47,110.78 $195,746.34
1978-11-01 $47,605.24 $196,920.42
1978-12-01 $48,169.44 $198,371.29
1979-01-01 $48,813.50 $199,257.71
1979-02-01 $49,427.14 $199,426.71
1979-03-01 $50,082.62 $200,044.91
1979-04-01 $50,733.03 $200,346.lx
1979-05-01 $51,391.04 $200,390.56
1979-06-01 $52,041.45 $200,681.33
1979-07-01 $52,624.66 $200,709.45
1979-08-01 $53,154.62 $200,807.78
1979-09-01 $53,604.71 $200,336.47
1979-10-01 $54,080.fifteen $200,500.72
1979-11-01 $54,468.12 $200,076.69
1979-12-01 $54,796.49 $199,183.46
1980-01-01 $55,074.fifteen $197,362.25
1980-02-01 $55,392.38 $195,735.19
1980-03-01 $55,865.29 $194,448.87
1980-04-01 $56,388.91 $194,090.63
1980-05-01 $56,788.28 $193,553.62
1980-06-01 $57,133.14 $192,609.84
1980-07-01 $57,529.97 $193,947.65
1980-08-01 $57,865.95 $193,675.xviii
1980-09-01 $58,147.42 $192,995.44
1980-10-01 $58,387.04 $191,962.54
1980-xi-01 $58,621.59 $191,155.75
1980-12-01 $58,853.61 $190,133.30
1981-01-01 $59,034.91 $189,184.49
1981-02-01 $59,272.00 $187,999.46
1981-03-01 $59,625.73 $187,839.24
1981-04-01 $60,156.96 $188,236.60
1981-05-01 $60,575.35 $188,068.25
1981-06-01 $60,967.12 $187,613.19
1981-07-01 $61,280.27 $186,518.14
1981-08-01 $61,594.seventy $186,053.36
1981-09-01 $61,711.34 $184,605.63
1981-ten-01 $61,795.02 $184,460.12
1981-eleven-01 $61,798.83 $183,880.87
1981-12-01 $61,848.27 $183,440.65
1982-01-01 $61,890.11 $182,980.77
1982-02-01 $61,990.27 $182,695.68
1982-03-01 $61,956.04 $182,788.02
1982-04-01 $62,037.xviii $182,255.95
1982-05-01 $62,118.32 $180,779.87
1982-06-01 $62,113.25 $178,528.85
1982-07-01 $62,096.77 $177,566.xix
1982-08-01 $62,068.88 $177,123.11
1982-09-01 $62,090.43 $176,822.64
1982-10-01 $62,091.70 $176,286.05
1982-11-01 $62,095.50 $176,656.63
1982-12-01 $62,200.73 $177,681.23
1983-01-01 $62,408.66 $177,910.63
1983-02-01 $62,733.23 $178,653.22
1983-03-01 $62,993.xiv $179,393.40
1983-04-01 $63,317.71 $179,037.57
1983-05-01 $63,635.94 $178,849.07
1983-06-01 $63,947.83 $179,183.75
1983-07-01 $64,312.97 $179,485.33
1983-08-01 $64,598.24 $179,741.lxx
1983-09-01 $64,770.67 $179,326.64
1983-10-01 $64,892.38 $179,129.95
1983-xi-01 $64,981.13 $179,020.44
1983-12-01 $65,151.02 $179,
1984-01-01 $65,341.20 $178,775.83
1984-02-01 $65,551.66 $178,475.92
1984-03-01 $65,850.88 $178,941.10
1984-04-01 $66,219.82 $179,070.98
1984-05-01 $66,636.94 $179,676.13
1984-06-01 $67,021.10 $180,189.17
1984-07-01 $67,391.31 $180,488.30
1984-08-01 $67,714.61 $180,659.99
1984-09-01 $67,914.94 $180,331.63
1984-x-01 $68,040.45 $180,150.18
1984-eleven-01 $68,050.threescore $180,177.05
1984-12-01 $68,197.67 $180,566.45
1985-01-01 $68,432.22 $180,843.98
1985-02-01 $68,742.84 $180,807.94
1985-03-01 $69,134.61 $181,154.77
1985-04-01 $69,604.98 $181,534.22
1985-05-01 $70,137.48 $182,241.ten
1985-06-01 $70,642.08 $183,040.46
1985-07-01 $71,147.95 $184,009.19
1985-08-01 $71,638.61 $184,935.07
1985-09-01 $72,102.64 $185,617.36
1985-10-01 $72,510.89 $185,981.43
1985-eleven-01 $72,907.73 $186,484.60
1985-12-01 $73,295.69 $186,962.35
1986-01-01 $73,735.64 $187,569.74
1986-02-01 $74,171.78 $189,197.08
1986-03-01 $74,730.90 $191,499.30
1986-04-01 $75,419.34 $193,619.36
1986-05-01 $76,136.94 $194,923.15
1986-06-01 $76,893.85 $195,782.28
1986-07-01 $77,657.x $197,725.61
1986-08-01 $78,330.33 $199,076.14
1986-09-01 $78,912.27 $199,645.18
1986-ten-01 $79,354.75 $200,582.62
1986-xi-01 $79,751.59 $201,403.11
1986-12-01 $80,338.60 $202,701.92
1987-01-01 $lxxx,829.26 $202,656.xi
1987-02-01 $81,336.40 $203,196.69
1987-03-01 $81,762.40 $203,349.87
1987-04-01 $82,402.66 $203,851.17
1987-05-01 $83,131.67 $204,927.28
1987-06-01 $83,979.87 $206,288.60
1987-07-01 $84,694.93 $207,496.62
1987-08-01 $85,303.50 $207,891.49
1987-09-01 $85,753.59 $207,898.02
1987-10-01 $86,107.32 $208,212.43
1987-11-01 $86,349.48 $208,617.05
1987-12-01 $86,667.71 $209,385.88
1988-01-01 $86,968.xix $209,567.03
1988-02-01 $87,390.38 $210,039.76
1988-03-01 $87,906.40 $210,373.22
1988-04-01 $88,493.41 $210,692.91
1988-05-01 $89,278.21 $211,837.82
1988-06-01 $ninety,113.73 $212,914.31
1988-07-01 $90,897.26 $213,859.39
1988-08-01 $91,531.18 $214,446.02
1988-09-01 $92,024.38 $214,161.78
1988-10-01 $92,338.80 $214,178.39
1988-11-01 $92,646.89 $214,714.37
1988-12-01 $92,915.67 $214,979.87
1989-01-01 $93,342.94 $214,898.42
1989-02-01 $93,786.69 $215,032.21
1989-03-01 $94,347.08 $215,078.94
1989-04-01 $94,927.75 $214,996.32
1989-05-01 $95,471.66 $215,005.57
1989-06-01 $95,978.80 $215,625.xv
1989-07-01 $96,417.48 $216,088.31
1989-08-01 $96,710.35 $216,396.78
1989-09-01 $96,897.99 $216,122.83
1989-10-01 $96,981.67 $215,276.14
1989-11-01 $97,020.97 $214,850.20
1989-12-01 $96,989.28 $214,439.38
1990-01-01 $97,024.78 $212,328.91
1990-02-01 $97,100.85 $211,499.31
1990-03-01 $97,358.22 $210,906.fifty
1990-04-01 $97,676.45 $211,267.57
1990-05-01 $98,003.56 $211,482.88
1990-06-01 $98,263.47 $210,901.09
1990-07-01 $98,329.forty $210,233.38
1990-08-01 $98,224.16 $208,093.41
1990-09-01 $97,905.93 $205,699.84
1990-10-01 $97,505.29 $203,630.49
1990-eleven-01 $96,830.80 $201,768.47
1990-12-01 $96,312.25 $200,687.95
1991-01-01 $96,112.70 $199,081.82
1991-02-01 $96,487.54 $199,561.71
1991-03-01 $96,756.66 $199,821.84
1991-04-01 $96,756.66 $199,526.25
1991-05-01 $96,920.05 $199,273.62
1991-06-01 $97,410.22 $199,692.39
1991-07-01 $97,371.78 $199,320.46
1991-08-01 $97,333.33 $198,658.33
1991-09-01 $97,410.22 $197,945.81
1991-10-01 $97,631.28 $198,106.23
1991-xi-01 $98,063.79 $198,406.24
1991-12-01 $98,198.35 $198,534.41
1992-01-01 $98,246.40 $198,343.91
1992-02-01 $98,890.36 $198,923.73
1992-03-01 $99,005.69 $198,154.95
1992-04-01 $98,919.19 $197,697.98
1992-05-01 $99,063.36 $197,702.67
1992-06-01 $99,380.53 $197,628.32
1992-07-01 $99,659.26 $197,759.44
1992-08-01 $100,216.71 $198,301.06
1992-09-01 $100,437.77 $198,175.88
1992-10-01 $100,639.61 $197,873.94
1992-11-01 $100,841.44 $197,991.52
1992-12-01 $100,437.77 $197,337.93
1993-01-01 $100,197.49 $195,899.44
1993-02-01 $99,918.76 $194,671.91
1993-03-01 $100,514.66 $195,151.04
1993-04-01 $101,322.01 $196,172.07
1993-05-01 $101,687.24 $196,606.14
1993-06-01 $102,446.53 $197,799.84
1993-07-01 $102,446.53 $197,799.84
1993-08-01 $102,936.lxx $198,197.23
1993-09-01 $103,090.48 $198,082.93
1993-x-01 $103,205.82 $197,487.91
1993-xi-01 $103,417.27 $197,756.79
1993-12-01 $103,599.88 $198,105.99
1994-01-01 $103,532.sixty $197,435.68
1994-02-01 $103,676.77 $197,036.75
1994-03-01 $104,349.56 $197,641.75
1994-04-01 $104,887.79 $198,391.62
1994-05-01 $105,445.24 $199,310.81
1994-06-01 $106,021.92 $199,723.81
1994-07-01 $106,108.42 $199,347.98
1994-08-01 $106,425.59 $199,138.71
1994-09-01 $106,271.81 $198,318.57
1994-10-01 $106,377.54 $198,383.08
1994-eleven-01 $106,464.04 $198,279.14
1994-12-01 $106,166.09 $197,724.23
1995-01-01 $106,156.48 $196,917.09
1995-02-01 $106,627.43 $197,004.24
1995-03-01 $106,886.93 $196,831.51
1995-04-01 $107,357.89 $197,048.01
1995-05-01 $107,751.95 $197,381.46
1995-06-01 $108,511.24 $198,381.31
1995-07-01 $109,011.02 $199,295.03
1995-08-01 $109,347.42 $199,387.04
1995-09-01 $109,270.53 $198,856.67
1995-x-01 $109,126.36 $197,948.26
1995-11-01 $109,193.64 $198,199.25
1995-12-01 $109,318.58 $198,555.31
1996-01-01 $109,414.seventy $197,571.48
1996-02-01 $109,520.42 $197,124.03
1996-03-01 $110,337.38 $197,574.07
1996-04-01 $110,856.39 $197,741.41
1996-05-01 $111,433.06 $198,389.28
1996-06-01 $111,923.24 $199,134.80
1996-07-01 $112,288.47 $199,402.86
1996-08-01 $112,298.08 $199,039.60
1996-09-01 $112,240.41 $198,307.04
1996-ten-01 $112,134.69 $197,494.47
1996-11-01 $112,269.24 $197,357.44
1996-12-01 $112,269.24 $197,357.44
1997-01-01 $112,105.85 $196,450.89
1997-02-01 $112,384.58 $196,322.34
1997-03-01 $113,288.04 $197,405.82
1997-04-01 $113,749.38 $197,962.26
1997-05-01 $114,547.12 $199,475.xi
1997-06-01 $114,960.40 $199,945.04
1997-07-01 $115,239.13 $200,180.06
1997-08-01 $115,642.lxxx $200,506.49
1997-09-01 $115,450.58 $199,676.l
1997-10-01 $115,815.80 $199,812.36
1997-11-01 $115,979.20 $200,218.15
1997-12-01 $116,017.64 $200,532.86
1998-01-01 $116,181.03 $200,442.48
1998-02-01 $116,978.77 $201,444.81
1998-03-01 $117,834.17 $202,542.55
1998-04-01 $118,660.74 $203,586.78
1998-05-01 $119,544.98 $204,725.91
1998-06-01 $120,688.72 $206,431.02
1998-07-01 $120,967.44 $206,654.20
1998-08-01 $121,409.56 $207,155.62
1998-09-01 $121,861.29 $207,672.20
1998-10-01 $122,120.lxxx $207,606.84
1998-11-01 $122,649.42 $208,505.50
1998-12-01 $122,860.86 $208,992.40
1999-01-01 $123,312.59 $209,250.14
1999-02-01 $123,764.32 $209,761.34
1999-03-01 $124,792.73 $210,863.41
1999-04-01 $125,715.41 $210,888.74
1999-05-01 $126,936.04 $212,936.36
1999-06-01 $127,935.61 $214,613.15
1999-07-01 $128,598.79 $215,078.59
1999-08-01 $129,281.19 $215,702.30
1999-09-01 $129,358.08 $214,802.22
1999-x-01 $129,857.87 $215,247.52
1999-11-01 $130,059.71 $215,453.99
1999-12-01 $130,338.43 $215,915.72
2000-01-01 $131,616.73 $217,387.49
2000-02-01 $131,386.06 $215,728.48
2000-03-01 $132,904.64 $216,437.38
2000-04-01 $134,154.11 $218,344.62
2000-05-01 $135,230.57 $219,839.96
2000-06-01 $136,595.37 $220,899.43
2000-07-01 $137,287.38 $221,504.61
2000-08-01 $137,700.67 $222,171.42
2000-09-01 $138,296.56 $221,976.73
2000-ten-01 $138,719.46 $222,271.63
2000-11-01 $139,171.19 $222,867.35
2000-12-01 $139,603.lxx $223,688.45
2001-01-01 $140,189.98 $223,216.72
2001-02-01 $141,103.05 $223,775.96
2001-03-01 $142,381.35 $225,290.61
2001-04-01 $143,601.99 $226,322.90
2001-05-01 $144,784.17 $227,158.79
2001-06-01 $145,985.58 $228,657.71
2001-07-01 $146,802.54 $230,585.02
2001-08-01 $147,359.99 $231,460.62
2001-09-01 $147,879.00 $231,233.66
2001-10-01 $148,446.07 $232,904.11
2001-11-01 $148,398.01 $233,222.44
2001-12-01 $148,917.02 $234,965.26
2002-01-01 $149,426.41 $235,236.fifty
2002-02-01 $150,281.82 $235,651.69
2002-03-01 $151,761.95 $236,641.70
2002-04-01 $153,011.42 $237,263.01
2002-05-01 $154,674.17 $239,841.31
2002-06-01 $156,192.75 $242,061.43
2002-07-01 $157,211.54 $243,369.75
2002-08-01 $158,086.17 $243,911.12
2002-09-01 $158,758.96 $244,543.eighteen
2002-10-01 $159,489.41 $245,261.82
2002-xi-01 $159,835.42 $245,793.90
2002-12-01 $160,488.99 $247,344.67
2003-01-01 $161,008.00 $247,052.01
2003-02-01 $162,074.85 $246,787.50
2003-03-01 $163,189.75 $247,001.25
2003-04-01 $164,708.33 $249,842.29
2003-05-01 $166,332.64 $252,718.65
2003-06-01 $167,687.83 $254,500.28
2003-07-01 $168,975.74 $256,176.04
2003-08-01 $170,081.03 $256,873.96
2003-09-01 $171,128.66 $257,618.86
2003-x-01 $171,695.73 $258,751.96
2003-11-01 $172,416.57 $260,542.47
2003-12-01 $173,252.75 $262,090.15
2004-01-01 $173,752.54 $261,568.87
2004-02-01 $175,242.29 $262,394.74
2004-03-01 $177,164.54 $263,574.32
2004-04-01 $179,269.41 $265,854.63
2004-05-01 $181,806.78 $268,049.15
2004-06-01 $184,286.49 $270,845.77
2004-07-01 $185,814.68 $273,524.31
2004-08-01 $187,064.15 $275,218.25
2004-09-01 $188,102.17 $276,162.51
2004-x-01 $188,976.79 $275,993.23
2004-eleven-01 $189,966.75 $277,293.77
2004-12-01 $190,908.66 $279,693.72
2005-01-01 $191,523.78 $280,006.36
2005-02-01 $193,224.97 $280,873.35
2005-03-01 $195,964.eighteen $282,644.63
2005-04-01 $198,463.xi $284,336.66
2005-05-01 $201,086.99 $288,392.26
2005-06-01 $203,537.86 $291,757.xiv
2005-07-01 $205,488.95 $293,197.19
2005-08-01 $206,872.98 $293,669.04
2005-09-01 $208,189.72 $291,970.37
2005-x-01 $208,699.12 $292,097.04
2005-11-01 $209,256.57 $295,248.74
2005-12-01 $209,631.41 $296,979.96
2006-01-01 $210,121.58 $295,422.68
2006-02-01 $211,053.88 $296,136.10
2006-03-01 $212,639.74 $296,718.64
2006-04-01 $214,004.54 $296,103.69
2006-05-01 $215,715.34 $296,996.89
2006-06-01 $216,484.25 $297,467.92
2006-07-01 $216,215.13 $296,222.17
2006-08-01 $216,705.30 $296,311.29
2006-09-01 $215,936.40 $296,715.14
2006-10-01 $215,551.95 $297,801.36
2006-11-01 $215,263.61 $297,845.79
2006-12-01 $214,350.54 $296,141.53
2007-01-01 $214,244.82 $295,094.68
2007-02-01 $214,898.39 $294,419.63
2007-03-01 $216,551.52 $294,007.35
2007-04-01 $217,695.27 $293,652.57
2007-05-01 $217,954.77 $292,216.97
2007-06-01 $217,906.71 $291,587.45
2007-07-01 $216,676.47 $290,014.99
2007-08-01 $215,503.xc $288,975.49
2007-09-01 $213,850.76 $285,970.64
2007-ten-01 $211,553.66 $282,294.98
2007-11-01 $209,160.46 $277,453.55
2007-12-01 $206,978.70 $274,743.74
2008-01-01 $204,335.sixty $269,893.76
2008-02-01 $203,633.98 $268,188.18
2008-03-01 $202,595.96 $264,528.11
2008-04-01 $201,557.94 $261,586.32
2008-05-01 $200,683.32 $258,276.29
2008-06-01 $200,212.37 $255,099.55
2008-07-01 $198,232.44 $251,257.49
2008-08-01 $195,944.96 $249,353.44
2008-09-01 $193,417.20 $246,477.57
2008-10-01 $191,370.00 $246,357.29
2008-xi-01 $187,112.20 $245,579.65
2008-12-01 $185,439.84 $245,928.23
2009-01-01 $186,064.58 $245,687.41
2009-02-01 $186,775.81 $245,406.16
2009-03-01 $185,209.17 $242,757.42
2009-04-01 $185,334.12 $242,316.28
2009-05-01 $186,660.47 $243,347.46
2009-06-01 $187,410.15 $242,243.96
2009-07-01 $186,766.20 $241,794.98
2009-08-01 $186,112.63 $240,409.64
2009-09-01 $185,084.23 $238,931.76
2009-10-01 $184,959.28 $238,540.72
2009-11-01 $184,795.89 $238,161.44
2009-12-01 $181,653.00 $234,523.99
2010-01-01 $180,739.93 $232,550.43
2010-02-01 $180,307.43 $231,936.14
2010-03-01 $180,836.05 $231,664.84
2010-04-01 $182,508.41 $233,401.87
2010-05-01 $184,113.49 $235,272.16
2010-06-01 $183,200.42 $234,334.xv
2010-07-01 $182,075.90 $232,846.62
2010-08-01 $181,307.00 $231,543.63
2010-09-01 $178,788.84 $228,195.00
2010-ten-01 $178,481.28 $227,519.14
2010-11-01 $177,231.82 $225,831.39
2010-12-01 $174,521.44 $221,996.30
2011-01-01 $172,531.91 $218,425.15
2011-02-01 $171,128.66 $215,585.51
2011-03-01 $170,090.65 $212,208.57
2011-04-01 $171,984.07 $213,197.96
2011-05-01 $173,262.36 $213,776.95
2011-06-01 $174,790.56 $215,893.70
2011-07-01 $175,059.67 $216,034.68
2011-08-01 $173,963.99 $214,092.16
2011-09-01 $174,146.60 $213,991.96
2011-10-01 $172,512.69 $212,422.35
2011-11-01 $172,685.69 $212,814.xc
2011-12-01 $171,801.45 $212,248.70
2012-01-01 $170,061.81 $209,179.07
2012-02-01 $170,542.37 $208,850.60
2012-03-01 $173,089.36 $210,372.03
2012-04-01 $175,511.40 $212,673.27
2012-05-01 $178,394.78 $216,421.xiii
2012-06-01 $180,182.48 $218,910.xc
2012-07-01 $180,480.43 $219,630.84
2012-08-01 $180,884.10 $218,903.85
2012-09-01 $180,730.32 $217,746.11
2012-ten-01 $180,759.15 $217,865.59
2012-11-01 $180,941.77 $219,123.92
2012-12-01 $180,451.59 $219,120.41
2013-01-01 $180,643.82 $218,707.04
2013-02-01 $181,845.23 $218,373.12
2013-03-01 $185,113.06 $221,717.69
2013-04-01 $187,650.44 $224,990.72
2013-05-01 $191,052.83 $228,663.03
2013-06-01 $193,436.42 $230,961.61
2013-07-01 $194,445.60 $232,075.thirteen
2013-08-01 $194,013.10 $231,280.71
2013-09-01 $194,022.71 $231,023.49
2013-ten-01 $193,426.81 $230,908.61
2013-xi-01 $192,859.74 $230,702.85
2013-12-01 $192,657.91 $230,481.xix
2014-01-01 $192,321.51 $229,225.97
2014-02-01 $193,224.97 $229,454.29
2014-03-01 $195,666.23 $230,866.fifty
2014-04-01 $197,771.x $232,583.26
2014-05-01 $200,020.14 $234,409.48
2014-06-01 $202,298.01 $236,638.33
2014-07-01 $202,970.80 $237,518.01
2014-08-01 $202,576.74 $237,453.54
2014-09-01 $201,759.78 $236,318.09
2014-ten-01 $201,798.22 $236,958.42
2014-11-01 $202,038.51 $238,528.48
2014-12-01 $202,086.56 $239,945.74
2015-01-01 $201,154.27 $239,968.05
2015-02-01 $202,999.63 $241,122.28
2015-03-01 $205,652.34 $242,827.92
2015-04-01 $207,776.43 $244,838.25
2015-05-01 $210,813.sixty $247,157.34
2015-06-01 $212,774.30 $248,585.30
2015-07-01 $213,591.25 $249,523.03
2015-08-01 $212,966.52 $249,146.06
2015-09-01 $212,947.30 $249,512.00
2015-x-01 $212,860.80 $249,522.85
2015-11-01 $213,293.30 $250,558.seventy
2015-12-01 $212,908.85 $250,964.65
2016-01-01 $212,851.xix $250,482.60
2016-02-01 $213,514.36 $251,056.39
2016-03-01 $217,224.31 $254,323.54
2016-04-01 $219,646.35 $255,945.78
2016-05-01 $222,356.73 $258,060.02
2016-06-01 $224,519.27 $259,716.79
2016-07-01 $225,528.45 $261,307.01
2016-08-01 $225,461.17 $260,989.36
2016-09-01 $225,566.90 $260,485.53
2016-10-01 $225,528.45 $260,116.84
2016-11-01 $225,932.12 $260,988.38
2016-12-01 $226,047.46 $261,036.17
2017-01-01 $225,124.78 $258,464.41
2017-02-01 $227,114.31 $259,930.lxxx
2017-03-01 $230,622.42 $263,731.46
2017-04-01 $233,803.75 $266,578.96
2017-05-01 $236,504.52 $269,428.04
2017-06-01 $238,138.44 $271,043.55
2017-07-01 $239,243.73 $272,489.57
2017-08-01 $239,964.58 $272,494.61
2017-09-01 $239,724.30 $270,787.96
2017-x-01 $239,589.74 $270,807.13
2017-11-01 $240,454.75 $271,778.24
2017-12-01 $240,147.19 $271,590.26
2018-01-01 $241,146.76 $271,243.05
2018-02-01 $243,761.03 $272,945.86
2018-03-01 $246,538.69 $275,433.29
2018-04-01 $248,720.45 $276,770.56
2018-05-01 $251,632.66 $278,851.49
2018-06-01 $253,237.74 $280,183.61
2018-07-01 $254,016.25 $281,026.01
2018-08-01 $254,419.93 $281,316.32
2018-09-01 $253,766.36 $280,267.98
2018-10-01 $253,574.14 $279,561.76
2018-eleven-01 $254,256.54 $281,256.12
2018-12-01 $253,420.36 $281,229.39
2019-01-01 $254,121.98 $281,471.35
2019-02-01 $255,909.68 $282,258.32
2019-03-01 $258,725.78 $283,763.56
2019-04-01 $261,686.05 $285,498.59
2019-05-01 $264,367.59 $287,811.46
2019-06-01 $265,665.11 $289,166.46
2019-07-01 $266,539.74 $289,634.fifty
2019-08-01 $266,558.96 $289,670.06
2019-09-01 $267,270.20 $290,215.59
2019-10-01 $267,289.42 $289,574.44
2019-11-01 $267,683.48 $290,156.95
2019-12-01 $268,356.27 $291,151.11
2020-01-01 $269,355.84 $291,106.16
2020-02-01 $272,498.73 $293,697.92
2020-03-01 $275,045.71 $297,089.65
2020-04-01 $277,285.14 $301,524.84
2020-05-01 $278,159.77 $302,470.02
2020-06-01 $281,648.66 $304,597.06
2020-07-01 $284,993.38 $306,663.13
2020-08-01 $288,885.94 $309,874.57
2020-09-01 $292,547.84 $313,366.07
2020-ten-01 $295,758.00 $316,673.28
2020-11-01 $297,968.59 $319,235.13
2020-12-01 $300,025.40 $321,136.40
2021-01-01 $302,658.89 $322,582.99
2021-02-01 $307,128.13 $325,564.18
2021-03-01 $314,346.20 $330,871.87
2021-04-01 $321,785.32 $335,941.01
2021-05-01 $329,041.83 $340,784.64
2021-06-01 $335,279.54 $344,048.52
2021-07-01 $339,989.06 $347,210.95
2021-08-01 $342,526.44 $349,081.05
2021-09-01 $344,794.70 $350,440.93
2021-10-01 $347,457.02 $350,237.04
2021-eleven-01 $350,350.01 $351,426.47

The tool volition automatically load the terminal 30 years of data. To expand or move the window, manipulate the castor chart (the lower chart) to zoom to the history yous're interested in viewing:

Historical home prices from 2002-2011 in the US
Exported image of historical home prices in the US from 2002-2011

You can also apply the zoom in and zoom out button to change the dates shown in the upper chart. The hand button lets you elevate the nautical chart window.

If you're satisfied with your chart, use the hamburger bill of fare in the upper right to export to CSV, PNG, or SVG.

Methodology on The states Historical Home Prices

I mashed up a few sets (and a couple proxies) for this median home toll historical data.

  • National Association of Realtors, Median Sales Cost of Existing Homes
  • Robert Shiller's NSA Existing Habitation Sale Index
  • The FHFA's NSA Existing Home Auction Index

The NAR has a restrictive sharing license for not-REALTOR®s (such every bit me). Therefore, we tin can utilize the data only if nosotros substantially transform it: I do that by sampling over a year. Here's my rough algorithm:

  • Take the overlap of the NAR'due south information and the FHFA alphabetize to come up with an average "multiple." For the first revision of this post, that was a 12-month overlap and a 961.13 average multiple.
  • Use the average ratio in the overlap of the FHFA index and Shiller'due south NSA home data. That averaged to i.319 over 337 samples.
  • Finally, for data back to 1991, multiply the FHFA index by 961.1275. Between 1953 and 1991, multiply past (961.1275*1.319).

If yous want to accommodate for inflation, I used NSA CPI-U. Information technology's mayhap a controversial option (CPI-Uincludes shelter) just should exercise a decent job showing price level. Employ the raw information and your favorite deflator if you disagree.

Recession dates come up from the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Automatic Update Details

The tool automatically checks for updates from the FHFA (home prices) and Bureau of Labor Statistics (CPI) once a week. Depending on the data release, it will only exist a maximum of one week out of date with those series. That means if reported aggrandizement is ahead of home prices, it will inflation-adjust the front month or ii (so you volition likely run into a front calendar month real toll in a higher place the nominal price).

Can you get United states median dwelling house price data before 1953?

Yes, but (probably) not monthly  median abode values.

Shiller'south monthly data started in 1953; we merely take a yearly home value resolution before then. If you clamor plenty, I'll extend the series further back with linear interpolation.

Why are you deriving historical median domicile values and non boilerplate habitation values?

Home prices accept an extensive span, and there are some wildly expensive properties in the U.s.a.. Median is a meliorate representation of home sales than average.

Why expect at single-family unit home prices?

Some of information technology is personal interest and my sense of what the "American Dream" might be (or was... depending on how expensive homes are when you lot're looking).

I don't know the condo, co-op, townhome, or multi-family market well plenty to try to create proxies. Even so, single-family unit homes are mostly comparable countrywide, so this feels similar a good series.

Is this data reasonable?

Yes, arguably. In a sense, looking at home-price data for a country as large as the United states is weirdon its confront.

Small local markets aremostly blended away. If California, Texas, or New York change housing policies, it can motility the whole country's median habitation price.

So, information technology'due south well-nigh as reasonable as looking at any US-aggregated data. I also trust the underlying indices to get us in the actual market place's ballpark.

Consider: we look at recessions on a country-level simply also recognize that some regions or industries might be in contraction while others are expanding.

In curt: use the same skepticism to this aggregated data equally you practise other aggregates.
